How Do You Know if You Fractured Your Wrist

How to treat a radius fracture faster? Such a question is the ane which patients and doctors of Ladisten Clinic face quite oftentimes. After all, a fracture of the wrist os is a common injury. Statistics say that its occurrence reaches 16% among all fractures, and among the injuries of the forearm, information technology is the leading one (90%).

Diagnostics of distal radius fracture

Distal radius fracture

The first diagnostics take place right on the spot, in the moment when a person is injured. Commonly, the injury is hard not to find. A feature crisis and terrible pain arise immediately, and a person understands that he or she has broken his or her arm.

Simply in club to become an authentic diagnosis, one still needs a doctor's consultation. After all, wrist injuries are very different, so their treatment besides differs from instance to case.

Symptoms of distal radius fracture:

  • crunch in the moment of falling or getting an injury;
  • a person tin't flex the wrist immediately afterward the fracture of the radius, it is impossible to make a fist and accept an object;
  • swelling afterward xxx-120 minutes;
  • in case if the joints are affected, hemorrhage occurs and a hematoma is visible.

In some situations, pain is felt in the mitt simply during physical exertion and no other signs are shown. This is dangerous considering the bones may non grow together properly. So patients turn to Ladisten with a complaint that later on a fracture of the radius, the arm is crooked.

X-ray is the method used to confirm the diagnosis. It likewise determines the severity of the injury, the presence of displacements, fragments, accurate localization. MRI and CT scans evidence whether joints and muscles are affected.

Types of distal radius fracture

types of distale fracture

Doctors distinguish two master types of radius fracture:

  1. Colles' fracture. Prevails in all cases. When falling, a person leans on a palm reflexively. If a fracture occurs, the bone fragments are shifted to the dorsum side.
  2. Smith's fracture. Occurs less unremarkably. The exact opposite of Colles' injury which is found in case of falling on a hand that is concave inward. Therefore, the fragment is shifted to the palm.

Both types are every bit dangerous and have the chance of complications if they are not treated on fourth dimension and correctly. Even if you do not see a fracture visually and in that location is just a slight feeling of pain in the paw, you lot should withal consult a doctor later falling on your wrist.


For how long a hand will hurt after a fracture of the radius depends largely on its type. The fractures may be complicated and simple. Pain of a different nature occurs, joints and soft tissues may be afflicted, or you may not feel the problem at all.

There are 5 principal types of radius fracture:

  1. Open fracture. Skin is affected and damaged, haemorrhage occurs. There is a loftier take chances of infection, urgent surgery to restore the limb is required. Additionally, the patient is checked for tetanus vaccination; if it was non done previously, he or she is vaccinated;
  2. Comminuted fracture. A complex type that is healed for a long time and is difficult to recover. The name means that the bone is broken into several fragments – iii or more. It is impossible to put the pieces together without surgical manipulations;
  3. Displaced fracture. Displacement of fragments inside a broken limb is what complicates the situation. They can knit in the wrong position and extend the period of handling. The limb is deformed and may remain in such country forever without treatment. If at that place is a fracture of the radius with deportation, rehabilitation is also complicated. The patient has to get used to the new position and shape of the basic;
  4. Intra-articular fracture. The injury affects the wrist joint, information technology also needs to exist restored;
  5. Extra-articular fracture. This one is considered the simplest every bit information technology does non touch on the articulation, and tin exist treated easily if there are no fragments and displacements.

Nearly fractures of the wrist radius crave surgery.


The main cause is a fall on an outstretched arm. This is the innate reflex triggered by man torso when i loses his or her balance. While falling, people extend their hand as a support and protection of internal organs, face up and head. Only the protective machinery does not ever piece of work, the radius does not withstand the force of impact, body weight and breaks.

Injury can happen to anyone at any age.

Run a risk group includes sportsmen, people over 50 years former, patients with diseases of bones and joints.

Treatment (conservative, surgical)

Two ways of handling can be used:

  1. Conservative. It is used in case of simple fractures, without fragments and displacements. Plaster cast is applied to the patient, and the bones of arm are knitted under it. Conservative handling is sometimes used to put together the fragments and treat the displacement. The process may fail and the limb will deform over fourth dimension. The whole process of treatment takes from iv to 6 weeks plus the rehabilitation menses.
  2. Surgical. It is carried out under anesthesia by cutting the arm and restoring the anatomical construction of a bone. The fragments are fixed with special titanium plates and screws. Transosseous osteosynthesis according to the method of Dr. Ilizarov¹ is too carried out, when a special fixation apparatus is used to restore the arm. In Ladisten, surgery is carried out using the advanced correction method introduced by Dr. Veklich, without the need to use traumatic spokes. There is no need to vesture plaster after the surgery, but an elbow cast. Recovery is faster, and the patient returns to his usual fashion of life.

How long does it accept for a radius fracture to heal?

How long it will accept for a fracture of the radius without deportation to knit likewise depends on the patient. After surgery or casting, it is necessary to perform exercise therapy procedures. Uncomplicated gymnastics includes a set of exercises for the fingers which are performed while sitting at the table. Also creams, ointments, electrophoresis are used during recovery.


Amidst the main pathologies later the injury, there are:

  • improper knitting. It mainly occurs if the problem is non noticed and not treated;
  • chronic hurting in the area of the fracture;
  • deformation of the limb and decrease of its functions: ane can't normally make a fist, bend his or her fingers or hand;
  • the joint loses its stability, arthrosis may develop;
  • inability to perform circular hand movements in the wrist.

In the most advanced situations, i arm becomes shorter than the other.

To avoid complications, you lot need to consult a doctor on fourth dimension in guild to make a diagnosis and undergo surgery. At Ladisten, both procedures are being carried out for more than 30 years with the assist of internally developed modern equipment and highly qualified medical experts.


¹B. Five. Veklich. "Treatment of bone defects with controlled transosseous osteosynthesis in the lite of understanding fractures and their consequences as an angiotraumatic problem" Orthopedics genius, no. 2, 1999, pp. 98-104.

How Do You Know if You Fractured Your Wrist


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